
public struct ValidateStatus403ErrorBodyStrategy : ResponseErrorBodyDecodingStrategy

A strategy for validating error response bodies with status code 403.

The ValidateStatus403ErrorBodyStrategy struct provides a strategy for validating error response bodies with a status code of 403 (Forbidden). It conforms to the ResponseErrorBodyDecodingStrategy protocol and defines the isError(statusCode:) method to check if the status code is 403.

Example usage:

@ResponseErrorBodyWrapper<Body, ValidateStatus403ErrorBodyStrategy> var body: Body
  • Determines if the given status code represents an error.

    This method checks if the provided status code is equal to the HTTP status code for “Forbidden” (403).



    public static func isError(statusCode: Int) -> Bool



    The status code to check.

    Return Value

    true if the status code is 403 (Forbidden), false otherwise.